Already in 1998, the “Lydia Action” initiative was founded by Rachel Fiedler in Malawi to support people in need and to enable them to live a better life. In the southeast of the country, the…
The MANA program in Argentina doesn't sound like “heavenly manna” for nothing: children and their families experience provision, but also a touch of heaven. We tell the story of how Felipe came to…
Cuba is in the midst of the worst economic crisis in decades. At times, inflation has been over 70%, causing many people to leave the country. The churches offer the people in the area as much help…
The education of girls and women in India has made significant progress, but still faces challenges. EBM INTERNATIONAL helps through various initiatives.
Sergio is not only the director of the social center in Macia, but also the pastor of a small Baptist church. In his work with children and young people, he repeatedly encounters cases where he and…
Six young people are currently working in Malawi, Sierra Leone, Argentina and India through "Hoffnung International", EBM INTERNATIONAL's volunteer service. The value of the experience abroad, the…
There are hardly any ophtalmologists in Sierra Leone. Our hospital in Lunsar was looking for an eye specialist for a very long time. Now a new doctor has taken up her post. We tell her story.
Sarah Bosniakowski has been living and working at the Cameroonian Baptist Union's Hospital of Hope in Garoua since 2017. Julia-Kathrin Raddek reports on how she is doing there and what she is…
The small, yellow blossoms of the butter tree move nimbly from the forest floor through the hands of Sukanti into their basket. It is painstakingly hard work. People in Chhattisgarh and Odisha have…
Diadema. A large city south of the giant metropolis of São Paulo. The population density here is particularly high. 70 percent of the city consists of so-called favelas, the slums, often the starting…
More than 50 girls and boys, especially those with disabilities, receive intensive care at the social center in Macia. There is also a Baptist church on the campus. Around 100 other children and their…
Ndiki, a small town on a hill, is the oldest mission station in Cameroon. The campus of the Theological Seminary is located there. 111 students reflect on their faith together here and experience…
It's lonely in the almost endless expanses of Patagonia: In Esquel, Pedro and Noemí Boretsky have been coordinating the region's church planting efforts for many decades. They tell of how God always…
The first Cuban gospel choir is coming on tour in Germany. Also in the team is a pastor from a baptist partner church in Havana. The ensemble brings a musical message of faith.
In northern Africa lies the Sahara, the largest arid desert on earth. It continues to expand. The so-called desertification no longer only affects the countries in the north of Africa, but is becoming…
There are still thousands of new cases of leprosy worldwide each year, most of them in India. Yet it is easily treatable today and no longer a reason for exclusion. But the reality is different.
The situation in Zambia is difficult: The number of droughts is increasing, resulting in insufficient harvests. But when it comes to church planting, our Zambian brothers and sisters are way ahead.
A house church is like a family for little Maria. Years later, in great need, she experiences that God has not forgotten her. An Easter story from Patagonia.
On February 6, 2023, severe earthquakes hit the border region between Turkey and Syria. Here you can find information from our project partners on site.
Girls and boys from Latin America's poor neighborhoods often have no chance to attend preschool or daycare because there are no or not enough of them in these areas. Through PEPE preschools, they have…
Hunger is the constant companion for countless children in India. But for some, there is hope - and not just for getting fed, but for "an almost normal life" with loving care and school attendance. "A…
Dalton was born without eyes. That alone was difficult enough. In the place where he lived, far away from the next city center, there were no opportunities of support for him. His mother had to take…
In 2014, the Turkish Baptist Union was established, which includes four congregations.
Under the leadership of Pastor Ertan Cevik, we support a team of five pastors.
The congregations are all…
Severe floods were reported in July in India. Our partner CREAM was able to help with a team of volunteers, providing food. An example of holistic mission.
For many years, the Baptist Union of Sierra Leone (BCSL) has hoped for missionaries for theological training. Together with other churches in the country, the BCSL trains its pastors at the…
In the fishing villages around Uppada and Kakinada in the Indian state of Adhra Pradesh, life is hard: people live on what little they can get from the sea. Many escape the hopeless life through…
Maroua is the provincial capital of the Extreme North in Cameroon. Life pulsates in this metropolis of over 200,000 inhabitants. The market is impressively large and well-known throughout the country.…
For the first time after three years, the Mission Council of EBM INTERNATIONAL could take place in Person again. Almost 100 delegates and guests from 27 different countries experienced five wonderful…
"Bangui is the capital of the second poorest country in the world (Human Development Index, 2020). Here, there is only electricity for just 8 out of 24 hours a day." This is what Magloire Kadjio,…
Pastor Johann Vollbracht came to South Africa in 2019 with his wife Andrea as an EBM International missionary to support the theological work of the Baptist Convention of South Africa. The Convention…
On January 23, 2022, Tropical Storm Ana hit land in Mozambique and moved northwest across southern Malawi to Zambia. It left a trail of destruction: devastating floods hit Southern Africa. It is hard…
During the Thanksgiving and Christmas offerings, we shared how God is changing the lives of children with His love through the various projects in Ijuí in southern Brazil. We are grateful that the…
“Due to his skills and passionate heart for mission, the Executive Committee (Board of Directors) of EBM INTERNATIONAL unanimously appoint Prof. Dr. Michael Kißkalt as the new General Secretary.” With…
Our Spanish missionary, Sara Marcos, works in the social center in Macia. More than half of the children have physical limitations. In Africa this often means stigmatizing the families affected. But…
In September, Christoph Haus went to Sierra Leone, which was his first intercontinental business trip since the corona pandemic started. After years of civil war, Ebola, a devastating landslide, fire…
A few hours after Christoph Haus returned from his overseas trip to Turkey, he was already back at work in his office in Elstal and writing his travel report. “It is impressive how faithfully our…
Cuba appears in the media a lot these days. Rising need drives desperate people onto the streets. It is difficult to get essential goods, and the cost of living has increased enormously. However,…
Hours of driving over bumpy roads through stone deserts in deserted areas. Five new churches founded. Working “on the side” to earn money for daily bread. Experiencing God wonderfully and repeatedly…
The 2021 Mission Council of EBM INTERNATIONAL took place online on May 8th with more than 75 participants. Delegates and guests from almost all EBM member countries took part. In Brazil, Bolivia,…
The corona cases in India are falling! This is good news that we have been seeing in the media for the past few days. They are paired with many question marks: What about mutations? How dangerous are…
The “Extreme North” region of Cameroon is one of the poorest areas in the world. It borders Nigeria and Chad. Niger is also only a few kilometers away. Lake Chad is the lifeline in the region but it…
The city of Ijuí, just 130 years old, has always been of strategic and missionary importance. Located in the very south of Brazil, it is the centre of mission societies and universities. Ijuí is also…
It is a good tradition to end the year at Christmas with an appealing for donations for our projects with children at risk. In the process of closing the annual financial year we are moved by how many…
“Thank you for the great pictures and your blessed work. In the midst of the Corona pandemic, your projects were able to visit the poor and needy and even celebrate a bit of Christmas with them. I am…
When our team started working in Mendoza 25 years ago, there were many huts at the entrance of the “12 de Mayo” quarter built only of cardboard. Four kilometers outside the city of Mendoza a sad…
On 21 November, the mission council (general meeting) of EBM INTERNATIONAL took place digitally for the first time. It was an inspiring meeting with over 80 delegates and guests from 28 different…
At noon on October 30, an earthquake of magnitude 7 shook the Aegean Sea. More than 80 people in Greece and Turkey died and more than 1,000 were injured. The Turkish city of Izmir was particularly…
Beacons in India and South Africa
India is now the country in which the corona pandemic is spreading by far the fastest. After China, India is the most populous country in the world and it is only a…
Medical Help in India
The biggest disease today is not leprosy or cancer or tuberculosis, but rather the feeling of being unwanted, uncared for and deserted by everybody. Mother Teresa
They still…
Hospital in Garoua/Cameroon
Cameroon is also affected by Covid-19 and is in a state of emergency: with 17,000 official infections and about 400 deaths so far. The number of high-ranking persons who…
“For me, the works of God that take place in people’s lives are some of the greatest miracles. In meeting and exchanging ideas with the students, I learn about these miracles that they have…
CAIS centre for deaf people in Ijuí/Brazil
Lucas (name changed) is an eight-year-old boy from the south of Brazil. What distinguishes him from other children is a special ability: he speaks a special…
We’re not running out of stories. In June we again received dozens of interim reports from our many projects, impressively describing how our employees at all levels have made a huge difference in…
he Social Center in Diadema (Brazil) celebrated its 18th anniversary – with distance, masks, and the desire to serve and help the many families in their area. The commitment of these employees is…
PEPE Preschool Projects in Brazil
“I praise God for the privilege of doing this service. We have many different problems every day but the joy of bringing children and whole families into contact…
Following the death of the President of the Cameroonian Baptist Union (UEBC), Frédéric Ngaka Epoundé, on May 19th, pastor Linda Koroma from Sierra Leone also died of Covid-19 on May 27th.
Encouragements And Challenges Are Close Together
Again and again these days we are receiving reports, testimonies, prayer requests, project applications, or brief information from the many projects…
Prayer Requests Of Our Partners And Missionaries
First we would like to provide you with first information from our partner countries and invite you to pray for them:
In India partners such as Tony…
And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20b
God is here! This is the core of the mission and a wonderfully comforting commitment. I can see how this makes me…
Where Church Truly is for Others
We are sitting with our travel group in a small living room. Pastor Alain from the church of La Timba is talking about how they celebrate Sunday services in this 25m2…
In January 15, I visited India, the second most populous country in the world with more than one billion three hundred million people. It is one of the new goals of EBM INTERNATIONAL to support mutual…
So Much More than Just a Farm…
…has become of the 20-hectare Balaka Farm of the Baptist Convention of Malawi (BACOMA) after a solid two years. Under the leadership of our EBM missionary Karin Schwarz…
This year it happened again: The first Advent coincided with December 1. The new church year begins and congregations remember the world mission. AIDS is pushed into the background like many other…
It is Good to be Different
In the social centre Macia children with special needs are seen and supported. They are to be strengthened for life in their families. This is a very big challenge with all…
Reunion after 13 Months
“Not only 13 months had passed: Above all a time of intensive experiences, encounters, and personal growth lay behind us”. The six volunteers, who met for the evaluation…
Freiwillig einen Auslandseinsatz machen. Für sechs bis zwölf Monate freiwillig in einer fremden Kultur leben, zum Teil voller Entbehrungen … ja, das wollen die 21 Menschen im Alter zwischen 17 und 69…
he first trip of Grenna Kaiya as project manager of EBM INTERNATIONAL to Cameroon started as a real adventure: The Cameroon Airline Camair Co. currently doesn’t offer flights to the northern part of…
On 21 November, the mission council (general meeting) of EBM INTERNATIONAL took place digitally for the first time. It was an inspiring meeting with over 80 delegates and guests from 28 different…
Carlos Waldow (regional representative for Latin America) and Christoph Haus (general secretary) traveled to Cuba in January and visited some of the missionaries and projects supported by EBM…
EBM INTERNATIONAL supports 16 partner organizations in India with more than 60 projects. Every year in January there is a partner conference under the leadership of the regional representative Dr.…
Der Tank auf dem Wasserturm ist leer. Das hat betretene Gesichter bei dem Team zur Folge, die gerade Mais, Maniok, Hirse, Artemisia und Aloe Vera gepflanzt haben. Die Pumpe funktioniert mit Solarstrom…
“We were a normal family up until life unfortunately surprised us with facts about our son Thiago that only God knows the reasons for.”
Maribel and Gastón have four children. Today they are 11, 8,…
Since September, Karin Schwarz has been the official missionary of EBM INTERNATIONAL in Malawi. She has been working in the Balaka farm in the educational work with young adults. We as EBM…
f I’m honest I’d have to admit that I had this one sentence going through my head for quite some time: “In light of continuing very high security risks and recurrent fighting we are advising against…
Mission Congress in Peru
Where God is at work there is joy, people experience renewal through their faith in Jesus, people go into ministry, and the church of Christ grows. I was able to experience…
It was about 30°C on July 16 when we (young adults 18 to 20 years old) arrived in Elstal, all of us out of breath. Each one of us was carrying a suitcase packed for the next two weeks from the train…
I have to sit down for a moment. I am in Izmir in Turkey. Somewhere in a part of town where most of the 150,000 refugees live, that are currently in the city of Izmir. I tried to look into the eyes of…
In the picture you can see Pastor Rufus Kamalakar Ceedrala from Nellore in South East India. He is the leader of the ALMA Baptist Convention. He is standing in front of a small chapel that he helped…
The annual mission council’s theme of EBM INTERNATIONAL was “For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.” (2. Corinthians 4:5 NIV)…
Every year our partnering union in Cameroon celebrates their annual convention. This year the conference took place in Ngong in the north of the country and our missionaries Nathan Minard and Sarah…
A Wonderful 20 Year Mission Story
Exciting and great music created the frame for the time of worship. Moving testimonies from many projects left people in awe. Many had tears in their eyes when…
Jacob Yeguri from Botragunta is the founder of “Community Rural Welfare Development Society – CRWDS“. It is a development company for more welfare in the rural areas in the south east of India by the…
Matching our story from the mission field in January we would like to encourage everyone to donate to the Central African Republic. Since 2012 there has been a constant upsurge in violence which our…
“The next afternoon I had my last meeting with the leaders of UFEB (Union Fraternelle des Églises Baptistes). They are our partner union in the Central African Republic. It was time to end our days we…
You are looking at a colorful wall painted with motives like Mickey Mouse and giraffes when you are walking on a busy street in Mamelodi. There is…
On the campus of Jesus Loves Ministries there is a sewing school, the Bethel Ashram children’s home for boys, and the St. Pauls School for…
Macia is a small town located between Maputo, which is the capital of Mozambique, and Beira by the Indian Ocean. Since the turn of the millennium, EBM INTERNATIONAL has been active in this area with…
“A home for children” is not a given for those that are from poor families that live below the poverty line and at the margin of society. Children that were left alone because single moms didn’t have…
For more than 20 years, there has been the Baptist church in Izmir, the biblical Smyrna. Pastor Ertan Cevik who has been on staff with EBM INTERNATIONAL since 2011 founded it. After long negotiations…
Many children and youth in Brazil live in poverty and are being neglected. Often they live in slums and no one is taking care of them during the day. Crime, drug trade, prostitution, and abuse are the…
EBM INTERNATIONAL is supporting the Baptists in Cuba to share with people the good news of Jesus and bring them new hope! Revival is the best word to describe what has been happening lately on that…
The provinces of Cusco and Apurímac belong to the core areas of the old Inca empire. To this day, the people in the villages speak the Quechua language. There are about six million Quechua living in…
EBM INTERNATIONAL supports four training centers of the Baptist partner Union Églises Baptistes du Cameroun (UEBC) in Cameroon. One facility is the Garoua Technical Center (CTG). Good vocational…
The partner convention of EBM INTERNATIONAL in the Central African Republic is called “Union Fraternelle Eglise Baptiste” (UFEB) and is running three theological training centers. Here young men and…
Scared, withdrawn, and self-conscious. That is how the deaf children, and for a while the adults as well, start coming to the group. They live in their own world. They are neither understood nor…
Latin America is a place filled with contradictions. There is extreme wealth of the minority on one hand and unimaginable poverty of the majority on the other hand. Due to lack of perspective, drug…
Children from slums do not have a chance to go to preschool since there is none or are not enough preschools in those areas. Without having gone to preschool though, they have a tough start in school.…
Many children in Brazil are living on the streets without supervision. Either their parents work in order to make a living or they are overwhelmed with their own problems in life. These are for…
The Extrême-Nord region in the very north of Cameroon has long suffered from the expansion of the Sahara. Enormous, life-saving efforts are needed to prevent the loss of soil, biodiversity and…
Poverty, crime, and drug trade characterize life of many children and youth in Argentina. There are countless kids in the slums, which nobody cares for during the day. About 25 years ago in 12 de Mayo…
In less than eight years, more than 250 new churches have been formed in eastern Cuba. These were planted within the country, in villages, as well as in cities. Many people that have been reached with…
In the eighties, a church planting ministry started in the bleak part of the mountainous area of the state Espírito Santo. There are about 120 000 descendants of the German Pomeranians living in great…
Patagonia is the most southern part of Argentina and home to the Mapuche, for the Chilean side as well as the Argentinian side. When in the late 19th century the whites penetrated into this area, they…
EBM INTERNATIONAL looks after local staff and missionaries and supports them in the social missionary projects in founding churches, theological training, staff training, and in different projects for…
Life in Cuba is very hard. Poverty, crime, drug trade, and spiritism are the source of great lack of perspective and despair even for the younger ones.
A missionary aid project was developed for…
Alone in Cameroon EBM INTERNATIONAL supports four training centers of the Baptist partner convention Union des Églises Baptistes du Cameroun (UEBC). One of those facilities is the girls school Saare…
Schooling? Education? Something that’s a given for many is quite a privilege in India for children and youth. The enrolment rate is terribly low. Only two thirds of all children between six and ten…
Our partner convention in Sierra Leone is the Baptist Convention of Sierra Leone (BCSL). They are maintaining three clinics and a project for blind people, the Blind Rehabilitation Project (BRP).…
In Cameroon EBM INTERNATIONAL is supporting four training centers of the Baptist partner convention Union des Églises Baptistes du Cameroun (UEBC). One of the facilities is the Technical Center Garoua…
Our member union in Malawi is the Baptist Convention of Malawi (BACOMA). They have been running a clinic in Senga Bay for many years located close to the Lake Malawi, about 100 km east of the capital…
Well trained pastors are key for good church work. In Africa they are also counselors for all sorts of requests in the village. In Lilongwe the Baptist Convention of Malawi (BACOMA) has been training…
The Baptist Convention of Zambia (BCZ) is the newest and since 2017 a full member of EBM INTERNATIONAL. For the first time a church convention was registered into the EBM INTERNATIONAL family by a new…
The partner convention of EBM INTERNATIONAL in Sierra Leone is the Baptist Convention of Sierra Leone who is active in different areas in theological trainings and in further trainings of leaders.…
The “Institut Baptiste de Formation Théologique de Ndiki” (IBFTN) is a theological seminary of our Cameroonian confederation (UEBC) that has the goal to train young men and women to be qualified…
At the Bible school in Mokong (Institute Biblique Mokong) our partner union in Cameroon (UEBC) is training evangelists. Well trained theologians are the key for good church work. Clergymen in Africa…
Since the beginning of the cooperation between EBM INTERNATIONAL and the Baptist Convention of Sierra Leone (BCSL) the support of many Baptist schools has been a core concern in our partnership. By…
In Equatorial Guinea EBM INTERNATIONAL together with the local Baptist church support different projects. There are two schools in Malabo and Evinayong with a total of 1000 students and 70 staff…
In India about 15 000 farmers take their lives every year because they cannot get out of debt from the suppliers for seeds and fertilizers. Our partner “CBM Bethel Hospital” (it’s a Baptist hospital)…
In Latin America, many children live partly or entirely on the streets. Drug trafficking, crime, sexual abuse - these are the greatest dangers for these children. In Argentina and Brazil, thousands of…
Every day about 1000 children die due to malnutrition and diarrhea in India. About a third of all children under five are underweight and are too small for their age. It’s the children that suffer…
In Cameroon EBM INTERNATIONAL is supporting many medical organizations. Just in the northern part of the country the Baptist Partner “Union des Églises Baptistes” (UEBC) is in charge of seven…
For many years, our partner organisation of the Baptist Convention of Malawi (BACOMA) has owned a 20-hectare farm – the so-called Balaka Farm. Balaka is located in the south of Malawi about two hours…
About 50 percent of the children in Argentina fall below the poverty line and the worst conditions. They experience so much misery and are constantly facing dangers like neglect, hunger, crimes, drug…
In order to go to college you need good grades and financial aid. But due to poverty access to education is difficult and even impossible for many young people in India. Furthermore often they have to…
In the current history of the mission field, we can see that God has been writing his mission story in Cuba for the past 20 years. Many churches have been founded. On site, we are supporting trainings…