Donations: 22.000,- €
Project number: 56400

Central African Republic

Population: 5 Millionen
Member union: UFEB (Union Fraternel des Eglises Baptistes)

Areas of work
Church development | 4
Capacity building | 2


The partner convention of EBM INTERNATIONAL in the Central African Republic is called “Union Fraternelle Eglise Baptiste” (UFEB) and is running three theological training centers. Here young men and women are being trained to become qualified pastors. In Bangui there is the Baptist Theology Seminary ETEB. In the north eastern villages in the Central African Republic, in Kembé and Kanga – Bandoro they are training people to become pastors at a Bible school.

There was a civil war in 2012 which led for the last missionary couple to be evacuated from there. Violence keeps surging since then. Many churches are going through a hard time but are trying to be active as best as possible. With our help the Bible schools continued doing their work as best as possible through all the crises. Several times they’ve become places of refuge for families that had to flee from violence in the country. In the past couple of years EBM INTERNATIONAL was able to assist with humanitarian help.

All in all about 100 students are being trained in different institutions, half of them via the theological distance learning. It’s very pleasing that the wives of the Bible school students are able to study as well. Even before the new escalation of violence the Central African Republic was one of the poorest countries in the world. We consider the qualified training of the clergymen in this difficult situation especially important. The brothers and sisters are usually working under extreme circumstances. In many areas basic supplies and health care are very problematic. UFEB is trying to establish a health center in Bangui again in order to help.

During the elections in 2016 a Baptist was elected president. The UFEB was also able to reorganize and elect leaders after more than five years. Hopefully these two things are a sign for hope for the country.