We are commited worldwide to help people in need and bring hope.
Our five fields of work
We support local churches so that they can share the gospel in word and action.
In various projects we help children so that they receive home, care, love, security and education.
We provide adequate medical care - especially for underprivileged groups of the population.
We support people in their education so that they can build a sustainable and independent life on their own.
In the event of a disaster, we provide emergency aid, shelter and sanitary facilities to those affected on site through our partner churches.
Our vision and values
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The education of girls and women in India has made significant progress, but still faces challenges. EBM INTERNATIONAL helps through various initiatives.
Sergio is not only the director of the social center in Macia, but also the pastor of a small Baptist church. In his work with children and young people, he repeatedly encounters cases where he and…
Six young people are currently working in Malawi, Sierra Leone, Argentina and India through "Hoffnung International", EBM INTERNATIONAL's volunteer service. The value of the experience abroad, the…