Donation: 60.000,- €
Project numbers: 21150, 23020, 22150


Population: 45,8 million
Member union: AGA (Asociación de Iglesias Bautistas Germano-Argentinas)

Projects in these areas of work:
Children at risk
Church development
Capacity building


Population: 12,4 million
Member union: UBB (Unión Bautista Boliviana)

Projects in these areas of work:
Children at risk
Church development


Population: 216 million
Member union: Pioneira (Convenção Batista Pioneira do Sul do Brasil)

Projects in these areas of work:
Children at risk
Church development
Capacity building


Children from slums do not have a chance to go to preschool since there is none or are not enough preschools in those areas. Without having gone to preschool though, they have a tough start in school. In general, it is expected that all children have gone to preschool and have an educational background. That is why these kids are disadvantaged from the beginning on. Their lives are predestined to be like their parents and their parents before that…

PEPE is breaking this vicious circle. It is a preschool program offered by churches in the slums for the children, which would not have that chance otherwise. These children in their preschool age are being taken care of as well as challenged. This way they have the same chance when starting school like the other kids that have gone to public preschools.

Even small churches participating in the PEPE program can offer this successful preschool program because they have a special training for their staff. Professional and competent staff via a network are supporting all preschool initiatives.

This is a great success! The participating children have shown a lot less problems when starting school and great growth in interpersonal relationships.

Part of the PEPE program is helping the families taking extensive measures on different levels. For example, parents are helped when looking for a new job or when they have other problems. The whole family gets medical care and withdrawal treatments for alcohol and drug addicted family members is being offered as well. PEPE staff members accompany families when going to authorities so they get a chance to have a more normal life. Sometimes they even help the families to get a roof over their heads so the kids can have a dignified life.

Often the kids have grown to trust the church, which leads parents and other family members to trust them as well. PEPE promotes the social missionary testimony of the churches and underlines their credibility.

We are supporting PEPE projects in Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia.