800 bags of maize against hunger
Malawi has been suffering from food shortages for many years. When tropical storm Ana caused flooding in Zambia and Malawi about a year ago, we were able to help quickly and easily through our local network: Emergency shelters, food and water helped people who had lost everything in the floods. But the floods had more far-reaching consequences: Arable land was destroyed, food production dropped, yields failed. Once again, hunger reigns in Malawi. Outbreaks of cholera in some parts of the country do not make the situation any easier for the people. As prices for wheat and maize have risen sharply on the world market, the number of hungry people in Malawi is increasing even more.
Proven partnership facilitates aid
The Baptist Convention of Malawi (BACOMA) is a long-standing partner of EBM INTERNATIONAL. Many congregations from Germany are closely connected to the brothers and sisters there. The close relationships and the proven structure on the ground make it much easier to help in disaster situations. Thanks to the gracious financial support of German Bapist Aid, we were again able to meet the need and distribute 800 bags of maize of 50 kilograms each at the end of 2022.
800 bags of maize for the needy
Maize is the staple food in Malawi. Rations were distributed to the needy in seven regions particularly affected by hunger. Among them were, for example, retired pastors who could no longer draw an income or pastors' widows.
Two hospitals also received 20 bags of maize each to care for poorly supplied patients. In many parts of Africa, it is common for families to take care of their relatives in hospital. The clinic in Senga Bay, whose work EBM INTERNATIONAL supports, also runs a palliative care programme. The elderly and terminally ill in particular could be provided with maize there.
Help for the prisons
It became known through the media that the government in Malawi does not manage to provide all prisoners with sufficient food. BACOMA decided to distribute 140 bags of maize in three prisons so that the inmates would not have to go hungry any longer. Both the local leaders and the press received this action very positively. A beautiful testimony of charity, which was acknowledged in a newspaper article under the headline "Help in the name of the Lord".
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was ill and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.
Matthew 25:35-36